Monday, March 21, 2011

Getting ready for baby #2!

My best friend M came into town to visit for a week and a half before leaving on her South East Asia adventure. She was hoping to be present for the birth of baby number two, since she was so instrumental in the arrival of baby number one.

Here we are, eating spicy food (she tried almost every trick in the book to get the baby to make an early appearance...)

Then we went for the 40 week check up - baby sounds good, no signs of coming out though...

Big belly in stripes...

We walked Greenlake, several times...

Fi, hamming it up for her Tia...

Fi and Tia...

G and the giant belly, again walking Greenlake...

Still no baby though!

1 comment:

mardi said...

so glad that baby came before i left...what a 10 days it was. love you guys so much!