Friday, October 30, 2009

canada love

A trip to Canada was just what the doctor ordered. A long weekend relaxing with friends old and new. Fiona learned how to crawl up a stair or two, we ate more than we should have, and G got a couple dives in with S.

She sits at the bottom of the stairs...

Halfway up the first one...

On top of the first, making her way up the second...
Enough already!
Attack of the cutest girl ever...

Out the window, we can see G and S paddling back from a dive on Copper Bluff...

Did I mention that Quadra is one of the most magical places on earth??
In line for the ferry home, G and F are being sweet...

Then G got hungry, and needed a snack....

And her Quadra Bubba (Grandma) made her a Halloween costume!! Pics to come!

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