Monday, July 27, 2009

july, july, july

Hi there. We're cooking quite well in this lovely July heat. Rare for the Pacific Northwest, to have temperatures consistently in the 90's... I know, all you guys down in the California heat wave are cursing me, but seriously... us pale white girls in the PNW are melting. Fi is proving that she is a true PNW baby... she does not like the heat so much. I can't blame her.

So one morning we took a bunch of photos. The end of her fourth month. Here it is:

She's about to sneeze...

Sneeze complete...

Highly skilled at finding her toes...

Blurry shot of our most common nursing grip, the double fist. I took this knowing that some day, my hand won't cover her forearm. In fact, it already doesn't! She grows so fast...

(did I mention that she is in the 90th percentile for height, weight and head size? not that any of us are surprised... but at her 4 month check-up she was 27 inches, 15 and some pounds. Almost double of her birth weight! And six inches of height! yep, growing fast...)

This is my second favorite nursing position, the wringing of hands. She is trying to figure out how to nurse from both at once...

As G says, she is exploring the world through her tongue... everything goes in that mouth of hers!

She is the happiest baby...

I made some flags to decorate her room... here is the beginning of her name flags...

Then I got distracted and made her a dress...

It's lined!
And bloomers to match:

Back to the name flags...

Especially of the star, because I love it...

And pink flags for the girl...

And finally, a shot of Fi and our friend D having a deep moment of communication...

I should also mention that last week she creeped, for the first time. She flipped over to her tummy, and made her way across the floor. Not crawling, specifically, but "creeping" as our PEPS leader identified it... it was shocking. Then M (our childcare superstar) told me that "she's going to be a six-month crawler!" which flips me out. I thought she would be a baby for a bit longer... but no. She's outgrown her infant car seat, she's wearing 9-month clothing... she is going for broke. And she is a true W - as our family motto around here is, "Go big or go home!"

1 comment:

redmenace said...

Bind her legs! She's gotta move! I love the bloomers!