Friday, April 17, 2009

week six!

So this was a week of big adventures. We went to Breitenbush Hot Springs - spent the night in Portland first with some friends, then hit the hot springs (mom and dad got some well-earned massages!) and Fiona had her first soak!

She's a wiggler, a squirmer, a snuggler. She has figured out how to smile - and gives the most radiant smiles ever.

And here's one of those smiles....

And because she was so ridiculously cute in the shower this morning.... here is our "little bean":

Second Sunday Brunch is this weekend (and yes, it's not the Second Sunday, I know...) and more importantly, Fiona's first brunch. Although not her first party - she went with me to E & A's "Welcome the Baby Chicks!" party and R & K's Engagement Party... she is a social butterfly! She is well on her way to capturing the hearts of many a Seattleite.

In other family news, G's bill was killed in the House of Representatives. Mean House!! Damn you Reps! It means he has to start over again. Yuck.

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