Thursday, April 30, 2009

the end of April

So these last two weeks have been quite full. G had a milestone birthday, we took our first plane flight as a family, we hung out in my hometown. Fiona had a milestone birthday too... two months!

We are really starting to click as a family unit. I hope I don't jinx it by saying we are getting into a rhythm of sorts - mama duties, papa duties, baby duties. Okay, so mama duties involve feeding and papa duties involve diapers and baby duties involve lots and lots of smiles - but we all play our part, right?

Here is the way every week should start - a nap with papa and baby:

And a walk on the beach:

And birthday party for G, complete with oysters, ribs, crabs, artichokes and cake... and a cute baby!

And then a trip to California, where we hung out with some family there... (the only pictures I can find are of Fi and her great-grandma!)

And finally, she and her aunt J shared a birthday (we're pretty sure it's the only time that will ever happen) and granted, J's was measured in years and Fi's was measured in months... still milestones!! Here she is on her two-month birthday!

And now the month of May is coming... time just keeps moving forward. Fantastic, isn't it?


Friday, April 17, 2009

week six!

So this was a week of big adventures. We went to Breitenbush Hot Springs - spent the night in Portland first with some friends, then hit the hot springs (mom and dad got some well-earned massages!) and Fiona had her first soak!

She's a wiggler, a squirmer, a snuggler. She has figured out how to smile - and gives the most radiant smiles ever.

And here's one of those smiles....

And because she was so ridiculously cute in the shower this morning.... here is our "little bean":

Second Sunday Brunch is this weekend (and yes, it's not the Second Sunday, I know...) and more importantly, Fiona's first brunch. Although not her first party - she went with me to E & A's "Welcome the Baby Chicks!" party and R & K's Engagement Party... she is a social butterfly! She is well on her way to capturing the hearts of many a Seattleite.

In other family news, G's bill was killed in the House of Representatives. Mean House!! Damn you Reps! It means he has to start over again. Yuck.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

more of the week four and five photos

So here are some more photos, from the other camera while the sisters were here.

Look at all that hair!

J and I figured out that we could just lie her down and let her look out the window...

And did I mention my sisters and I organized my craft room?? Look at this amazing-ness...

Then we stopped by the Dimonds house for a visit - S played guitar for Fiona, she loved it. Every time he stopped playing her eyes would pop open - he would start again and she would doze off - very sweet!

Such a sweet life we have!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

five weeks and counting

So it's been a little hectic around here (but really, when is it not hectic around here?). The good news is that the sun is shining in Seattle and we have one very healthy baby in our house. G has no current plans to travel back East, which makes me very happy. And there are chocolate chip cookies in the oven. Yeehaw!

So what has been going on for the last two weeks? F gained another pound. She is getting bigger and stronger every day. Her personality is starting to show - I am so excited to meet her. Her aunts came for a visit - J came for a week and K came for a long weekend. Here are the pictures to prove it:

They helped me clean and organize my house - pictures of the newly created craft room to come - even the curtains were hung! Good times were had all around. We managed to get out of the house too - we went to one of our favorite burrito joints, Gordito's:

And we went shopping for a new baby carrier, one that fits G:

And we took naps...

And I got some time with F too...

Big thanks to K for providing the above photos... my camera cable has yet to resurface, I am sure it is in it's proper place (a labeled drawer, even?). If only I could remember where that is...