Monday, June 1, 2009

the very end of May

The end of May means many things. My birthday, for one. Well, I guess that is the major thing in my world. But this year, it also marked another interesting milestone - I became a permanent telecommuter. That's right, no more office for me! I am working from home from here on out, except when I travel.

So to commemorate the event, I took a couple quick pictures of Fi and I packing up my office...

I will never see this view again!

Fi helped pack boxes. She told me what to keep and what to throw out. From her throne.

We also had the birth class reunion brunch at our place... It was great to see folks with the babies on the outside, and hear all the birth stories. Here's a couple snaps of that craziness:

The babies!

Again with the babies, proud parents in the mirror...

All the mamas...

All the papas...

The weather is delightful in Seattle right now... nice and sunny and we have to get outside. So more soon!

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