Sunday, May 29, 2011

D with baby O

Really, no words. How awesome is this photo:

(D with baby O. True love, I tell ya!)

Friday, May 20, 2011

More roadtripping

We left our family in the valley and headed to San Francisco.

This is an attempt to take a photo with my daughter.

We hiked Muir Woods - absolutely lovely. It took seven photos to get one where we were all (minus O, of course) looking at the camera:

Then we headed North and drove our car through this tree:

And got to play in the Redwood forest.

My handsome hubby:

Nursing amongst the giants...


Trip to California

We took our 2 year old Fi and 6 week old O and hit the road. We drove down to California to visit family. Here are the kids at my sister's house:

And a special treat at my other sister's house - here are a couple pics of great-grandma (Oma) and the kidlings... What a fantastic mother's day!

And here is grandma and great grandma with O and baby Viv:

Well worth the drive. All 14 hours of it. :)