Okay, time slipped by again. Working, wifeing, mothering, cooking, cleaning, organizing, etc, etc, etc... I'm exhausted. You'll notice that sleeping is not on the list. That's because F has moved into a new pattern of only two (and at most three) hours of sleep at a time. It is making me a little bit crazy.
Also, I recently had to travel to Burbank, CA for work. Three days down, two days home, three days down again. Then, the following week, I went to SF to visit my bestest friend, M. At least for the SF trip I took F with me...
So here are some pics from SF.
Oh, before photos... let me just mention...
F is sitting up. By herself. And holding a bottle. By herself. She's actually been holding that bottle for weeks, but the sitting up completely by herself is a new thing. (She was a little wobbly for the last couple weeks, but not anymore!) She also has a notion about that whole object permanence thing... she was playing with a toy, it fell out of her hand, she looked under her chair for the toy, looked under her chair from the other direction - she most certainly grokked that she had a toy, now she didn't, and where the heck was it now?!? - and was happy once said toy was returned to her. She is the most awesomest baby ever.
We started her on some cereal, since she was seeming to be so darn hungry, was reaching for our food, has tremendous interest in our chewing. She gobbles it up. Here she is, enjoying her first cereal experience:
Oh, and then G gave her a piece of cantaloupe last night in a little mesh holder thing- I think it was one of these. She enjoyed it tremendously.
It's true. My sweet baby is growing up, fast! Already we are into the foods, and she's only five and a half months old. It's too bad that I can't tell her to just relax, chill out, enjoy the babyness... she is already in a hurry to learn and focus and taste and touch and move and... and... and...
Enough talk, photos already!!
Here she is balancing on Tia's knee, looking out at the amazing city view...
And then looking at mom:
The light was so awesome we did a photo shoot in M's living room:
Should a five month old be making these eyes?
She should definitely be making this face:
And this one:
Just a generally happy baby:
Especially when she can munch on her cat, her favorite toy:
Okay, seriously, how cute is this? She gets so excited that she scrunches up:
Delectable cat...
Helping Tia do the dishes...
This is what M and I had for lunch at Bakesale Betty's. If you are in the Oakland area, you absolutely must eat this lunch, it was amazing (coming from a psuedo-vegetarian!) Note the fried chicken sandwich, served with a jalapeno coleslaw... and a strawberry shortcake and lemon ice to finish it with. Absolutely delicious! (Yes, that is a giant scoop of whipped cream!)
We also stopped by Dynamo to try their homemade donuts... on the left, Lemon Pistachio, on the right, Glazed Maple Apple Bacon. Yeah, you read that right!
So this concludes the mid-August installment of what the heck is going on in the land of Fi. Busy, busy, busy! Hope your summers are going well, drop us a line, say hi!