It constantly amazes me, how quickly time flies by. For instance - it was just New Year's Eve. We were just celebrating our last night in Bali (the last big vacation before we tried to start our family) in May. It was just that afternoon in June, when we confirmed that just-like-that, our family is starting!! And it was just August, when I committed to myself that I would update this space more regularly, to keep my friends and family current on our lives. And now it's October.
O C T O B E R.
Mid-October, at that. Time to start salivating over Thanksgiving side dishes, as I prepare the menu for my almost infamous 5 course Thanksgiving meal. Time to carve pumpkins. Time to order Halloween candy (I just can't give out the waxy chocolate stuff anymore - I've moved on to "healthy junk food" and somehow that feels better). Time to start setting up the nursery... oh right, because I am now in my fifth month of pregnancy. 5 months. Just over the halfway mark. How the heck did that happen? No clue. You wake up, you go to sleep, repeat about 147 times, and voila! Here you are, here I am.
5 months. I'm finally showing, and have just started to gain weight. Baby is doing great - well, baby is doing average, which at this point is a very good thing. Funny point - G and I finally decided to find out what the sex of our baby is on the way to the ultrasound appointment. I was mixed about finding out - there is something fantastic in the mystery of it, such a huge surprise (after all, it is what it is at this point, no changing that!!) but I can also see how knowing would be helpful too... so we were ready to find out. And low and behold, baby kept it's legs crossed the whole time.
Now that is certainly my child in there! No question about it. The doc even asked me to get up and walk around, use the toilet, we waited 20 min... and still the legs were crossed. I love the immense sense of humor of the universe.
Okay - since I still don't have a photo of myself that I am willing to put on the internet, I will leave you with these house photos.
G has finished putting in the floor in the hallway, the back bedroom (known as Julia's room or Mardi's room, depending on who is visiting...) and the office.
Check out the before and after on the front entrance area:You may notice that there is this odd "slate" on the floor, and the wall on the right (G's left, your right) is kind of a blue-gray color. The previous? original? owners thought it a grand idea to stain the wood with a blue wash and it darkened the whole entry area. We decided to replace the slate with the tigerwood and when G was mid-task, he decided to paint the wood the same color as the walls...
It came out so nicely!! He is such an amazing DIY'er. Huge kudos to my husband. He also wants to paint the door, which I am in agreement on. Here is the main hallway: And this is the back bedroom I mentioned before:
He is almost done putting in all the trim. Once that is complete, we move on to figure out if we can afford to finish the dining room/living room and kitchen. It will be complicated, and it will mean life without a functioning kitchen for a week or two... but I know this guy can install and refinish the floors in no time. He's in trouble now since I've seen how fast he did this last bit!!
Hope you are all doing well. Also, I plan on coming to Sacramento for Christmas - 7 months pregnant and all. Let's make a date for a visit if you are in the area!